• 你是否欠上学期的结余?




欢迎来到西北远景学院! 我们很高兴你能成为我们最新的转学生之一. 如果你回到雷士,欢迎你回来!



中央电视台:欢迎 & 招生中心为以下学生群体提供服务:

  • 新学生 从非澳门新葡京博彩区学院或大学转学

  • 返回澳门新葡京博彩区的学生 from any of our five campuses who have not attended classes for more than 一个 year

  • 访问(临时)学生 seeking to only take classes at NVC for 一个 semester and then transfer those credits back to their home institution

Current NVC students who have been enrolled in classes within the past year will still be considered current students and will need to contact the 总谘询办事处.

Students who are currently enrolled at another Alamo 大学 区 campus (SAC, PAC, 缴送工作, 或SPC)将被视为在读学生,并将联系 总谘询办事处 注册协助或重新分配给NVC顾问.



准备申请雷士? 了解有关申请和注册流程的更多信息.


有兴趣了解更多关于NVC的知识? 来一次虚拟的校园之旅,找到一张校园的互动地图.


完成所有注册步骤? Sign up for 自发取向 to learn how to register for classes and prepare for the first day of school.


在注册过程中需要帮助? 联系注册教练,他可以指导你完成整个过程.


你对转学分到雷士有什么问题吗? 了解可接受的成绩,认证机构和可比课程.


Students interested in transferring to a four-year university to complete a bachelor's degree can use our 转学建议指南 to help them determine the right courses.



不确定自己的学术地位? Incoming transfer and returning students who have been placed on Academic Dismissal at their previous institution may need to complete a petition process.


Students using financial aid must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements. Students who have been placed on Financial 援助 Suspension will need to submit an appeal to have their aid reinstated.






点击 the link below and select the "Registration" 日历 for the semester you are interested in applying for. You will be able to view the start and end dates for the 应用 Texas application and for self-registration for courses.



The Enrollment Management Period (EMP) is always the last week before classes begin. 在此期间,通过ACES进行的自我注册将被锁定, 意思是学生不能加 or 通过ace掉落类.

所有 时间表的变化, either registration for additional classes or dropping classes you have already registered for, 必须亲自到总咨询办公室完成吗, 位于CCC 108. 日程变更将不会通过电话或电子邮件处理, 所有注册先到先到, 标间.

此外,学生将只有 一个 在EMP周有机会调整日程安排.

自注册将在开学第一天通过ACES重新开放. 学生只能注册那些有 他们还没有第一次见面.

例:一个学生在周一下午2点注册.m. 无法注册上午8点开始的MW课程.m.但他们仍然可以报名参加下午3点开始的MW课程.m.

New Transfer students to the 阿拉莫大学 and returning students who have been away from school for more than 一个 year may still visit Vista Central prior to registering if they need to see a Certified Academic Advisor to help select their courses.


(为了有资格在EMP期间注册课程, 学生必须在EMP开始前准备好注册, which includes submitting their 应用Texas application and clearing all enrollment holds. First Time In 大学 Students must have already attended a New Student Orientation.) 

  1. Students should look up their Course Registration Numbers (CRNS) through ACES prior to arriving on campus.

  2. Students should have a backup plan of other courses they would like to register for if the class they want is full by the time they arrive.

  3. Students must be prepared to pay for classes the day they register to prevent being dropped for non-payment.

  4. 学生在查完自己的注册编号后,将前往档案处登记. 这是先到先得的, 标间, 但是学生可以提前在网上签到以减少等待时间. 点击 在这里 登入,并选择“逾期登记”一栏."

Students who do not pay for their courses by the payment deadline will be dropped for non-payment.

Students may choose to pay for their classes all in 一个 installment or sign up for a payment plan.

Students using Financial 援助 should verify that their financial aid checklist has been completed through their ACES account.

有关如何支付学费的更多信息, 签署付款计划, 或者付款期限, 参观商务办事处.

After the initial payment due date has passed, payment arrangements are due at registration. 未付款的清除将在注册后的周日晚上进行.

点击 the link below and click on the "Registration and 付款的最后期限" 日历 for the semester you are enrolling for.



点击 on the link below and select the "校历" for the semester you are applying for.

Please note that 西北维斯塔学院 offers multiple start dates throughout the semesters, 所以一定要看正确的术语.

秋季和春季学期:16周的课程,Flex I和Flex II
