
The 澳门新葡京博彩区 believes that every student deserves a safe, 欢迎, and inclusive environment to thrive during their academic journey. 我们通过为学生和员工提供培训,支持童年抵美暂缓遣返(梦想家)学生的各种需求, 资源和知识,以确保每一个梦想者获得支持,成功注册, 坚持并毕业.



  • 理解DACA
  • Navigating the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services website (美国入籍与移民服务局.政府)
  • 常见问题
  • DACA资源
  • 奖学金
  • 连接社区法律资源


  • 欢迎中心帮助即将到来的和未来的移民学生和他们的家庭适应大学生活
  • IME Becas (Institute for Mexicans Abroad 奖学金) and TheDream.美国奖学金
  • 全区梦想家咨询委员会为梦想家的教育成功提供指导和支持
  • 每个学院的心理健康咨询服务
  • Connection to community partners (local, statewide and national)


DACA续签 Now is a hub that provides links to DACA guides, 可下载的工具包, 带有续展指导的图形以及如何从参与组织获得续展援助的信息.




“追梦者”是一个涵盖无证个人的术语,包括有或没有“童年入境暂缓遣返计划”(DACA)的人。. 梦想家/无证学生住在美国.S. 也不是U.美国公民,合法永久居民,并且没有持有当前有效的非移民签证. Undocumented students may or may not have entered on a visa (i.e. B-1/B-2) or previously held legal permanent residency status

什么是DACA ??

童年抵美者暂缓遣返, 也被称为DACA,是国土安全部部长6月15日宣布的一项程序的名称, 2012, due to an executive order signed by former President Barack Obama. 尽管美国.S. 最高法院于6月18日作出裁决, 2020 to uphold DACA temporarily on a procedural issue, 7月16日, 2021, a U.S. 德克萨斯州南区联邦地方法院裁定,DACA不能处理新的DACA申请.

与此顺序一致, DHS will continue to accept the filing of both initial and renewal DACA requests, as well as accompanying requests for employment authorization. 然而, 根据7月16日, 2021年来自德克萨斯州南区的订单, 国土安全部被禁止批准最初的DACA申请和随附的就业许可申请. 也符合这个顺序, DHS will continue to grant or deny renewal DACA requests, 根据现行政策.

根据2012年DACA政策, if you came to the United States as a child and met several key guidelines, 你可以向美国移民局提出申请.S. 美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS), 是国土安全部的一个分支, 请求考虑推迟的行动.

“延迟行动”是指决定推迟(延迟或推迟)个人的移除行动. DACA可以由USCIS授予为期两年的签证,在某些情况下可以续签. Deferred action does not provide an individual with lawful status; however, recipients of deferred action may obtain work authorization.

DACA students are individuals who applied for and received deferred action. DACA学生通常会获得就业许可,并获得就业许可文件(EAD卡)。. The EAD allows DACA students to apply for a Social Security Number and driver’s license.

作为一个梦想家或无证学生, am I eligible for Federal Student 援助?

No. 梦想者没有资格获得联邦财政援助. 然而, depending on the state in which you are attending college or university, you may be eligible for state or college financial aid. In the state of Texas, Dreamers may apply for state aid via the 德克萨斯州财政援助申请.

作为一个梦想家或无证学生, am I eligible for any of the Emergency 援助 provided due to COVID-19?

是的. 所有学生,包括梦想者和无证学生都可以向联邦学生紧急援助中心申请, CRRSAA and ARP Act as outlined in updated guidance received the 夏天 of 2021. 请访问 阿拉莫.edu/studentemergencyaid

Additional City of 圣安东尼奥 resources can be found at 圣安东尼奥.政府 / humanservices / ImmigrationServices

Do I qualify for in-state tuition as a DREAMer or undocumented student?

是的. 2001年,德克萨斯州是第一个通过相关法律的州, 众议院法案1403 (HB1403), 有时被称为“德州梦想法案”,该法案允许梦想者根据德克萨斯州的居住情况获得州内学费. 后来由参议院1528号法案修改, 如果符合以下标准,无证学生有资格获得州内学费:

  • 在获得高中文凭或GED之前,必须在德克萨斯州居住至少3年

  • 在进入公立学院/大学之前,必须在德克萨斯州居住至少3年。

  • 必须填写宣誓书,声明他/她将尽快申请居留权吗

为了获得这个好处, you will need to complete the 德克萨斯州财政援助申请(TASFA). The TASFA is a financial aid application for students who are not U.S. 公民,但谁是德州居民. For more information on the TAFSA and how to complete the application, please visit our 资助网页

